Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study for the Construction & Operation of a new LNG import Terminal
Water management was one of the main targeted sectors of Enveco S.A since its establishment, based on the vast relevant scientific background of its main partners. Today, Enveco S.A.’s water resources management capabilities are among the highest qualified in the industry in Greece and the surrounding region.
Our full-time staff members’ profound experience and expertise guarantee high-quality services and that all demands and deliverables are met to the fullest.
For the past 20 years, our staff members have been specialized in water resources and developed broad experience through conducting numerous relevant studies.
• Formulation of surface water simulation models (e.g., Sacramento) to assess the natural water availability
• Formulation of hydro-geological models to assess the water balance and the progress of the quality of groundwaters
• Use of River Basin Simulation Model (e.g., ribasim, mike basin, etc.) for regulating water supply and demand regulation
• Set up and operation of hydro-meteorological, hydrometric, and hydro-geological Databases (e.g., hymos)
• Design and implementation of Decision Support Systems and Specialized simulation software for water policy managers
• Design and elaboration of monitoring programs of surface (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal water bodies) and groundwater systems
• Assessment of the loads of disperse pollution from cultivations and point source pollution from residential development as well as assessment of water quality levels of surface and groundwaters
It is worth mentioning that Enveco S.A has been deeply involved in implementing the existing E.U. water policy directive, the so-called Water Framework Directive, both in Greece and Cyprus. Water Framework Directive adopted in 2000 is currently the operational policy tool of E.U. in the water sector, setting the objectives for water protection for the future both in E.U. counties and the neighboring ones.